
Our Tariff for all the services provided by Kernow Mobile Caravan Services in Cornwall is one of the best and most competitive. Check out all our prices below and if you need to discuss anything with us do not hesitate to Contact us:-

 Some areas may incur a charge for travel, please check when making your booking

Annual Caravan Service: -

 Single Axle  £200.00
 Twin Axle  £230.00
 Running Gear Only: -
 Single Axle  £175.00
 Twin Axle  £195.00
 Motorhome Habitation Service  £180.00
 Damp Test with Report  £  60.00
 Hourly Rate  £  55.00

 All of the above prices are subject to additional charges for parts

 Prices for parts may vary depending on supplier and make of caravan

 Call for a Free No Obligation Quotation for any of the following:
  • Appliance Repairs
  • Winter Drain Down (without service)
  • Floor Delamination

on  07877 352 288